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Does the old driver have to be very stable when driving a small pump?

2022-01-04 18:34:10

The small pump truck has many characteristics of special equipment, both on-road driving and in-plant driving. This new type of vehicle with special functional equipment has certain technical content and technical requirements in operation, so it has certain technical content and technical requirements in the production process. of danger.

According to the analysis of the accident cases that have occurred, when the small pump truck is in operation, it is easy to cause accidents in the following parts and links:

1. There are many accidents every year in the mixing hopper of the small pump truck

For example, when the mixing hopper of the pump truck fails, the operator needs to clear the concrete in the hopper. If someone misuses the machine at this time, the cleaning personnel will be injured; when the mixing device fails, the maintenance personnel repair the mixing device in the hopper. The maintenance guy gets hurt when the other guy starts to test if it's fixed.




2. Roll over

When the small pump truck is unfolded, the whole small pump truck is supported by the four outriggers. If the construction site is not flat or the outrigger support site is not dense enough, the ground subsidence will cause the pump truck outriggers to be stressed. Uneven, it will roll over.

3. Electric shock, similar to a crane accident

When the small pump truck is in the distribution operation, the boom needs to be raised, and the boom is easy to approach the high-voltage wires near the construction site, resulting in electric shock accidents.

4. When working with fabric

When the small pump truck is unfolded, the four outriggers support the whole concrete pump truck at work. If the construction site is not flat or the support of the outriggers is not dense enough, the subsidence of the ground will cause the outriggers of the pump truck to bear insufficient force. average, it will roll over.

Konile is of high quality, provides you with excellent service, gives you a good construction experience, and has a strong production management and service team to escort your small pump truck. For more information about concrete pumping equipment such as small pump trucks, please visit the official website of Konile Group.

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